Friday, October 10, 2008

The Big Secret to Marketing Your Business

Every entrepreneur wants a magic marketing potion that will attract all the customers and sales they can handle. Many are searching for that one, big marketing secret that will make their business successful beyond their wildest dreams.

These starry eyed people believe there exists one piece of information or tactic that will take them from obscurity to becoming the marketing champion in their industry. Sadly, most will never discover this secret even though it’s hidden in plain sight and instantly available to them at any time.

This Big Marketing Secret is your attitude!

Yes, successfully marketing your business requires the correct attitude. Just like your relationships with other people, the attitude you take decides on what you will ultimately achieve.

Your belief system and your approach play a significant role in your marketing success. It is the starting point what you will accomplish and how much money you earn in your business.

Do you believe that your marketing efforts will pay off in increased sales? Or, do you think that marketing is a waste of time and money because you’ve tried once before and failed to attract any response?

The fact of the matter is that marketing does work when you understand how. Like catching a ball or riding a bike it is a learned skill that anyone can master. All that stops you from achieving more is your attitude toward marketing.

There are millions of people who are now highly successful because they possessed the attitude that marketing is the most important activity in their business. Everything starts and relies on your ability to attract and convert prospects into buyers. It’s the only area of your business that produces the opportunities to make a sale.

When you ignore it, cut the budget when times are tough or just don’t market at all your business will suffer. Without marketing it’s tough to make a sale. Without sales, you have no business; only an expensive hobby!

Successful marketing requires desire, action and commitment. If you lack in any of these three qualities and have a bad attitude, you might as go work for someone else. It’s no secret that your attitude is critical to what you achieve in life and business. When you have a positive approach to your marketing, what you believe will be the most likely outcome.

Like the late Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you cannot, you are always right.”

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Need to Improve Your Marketing? Throw a PASS!

Every business has the ability to reap huge benefits by making small improvements in their marketing. By leveraging a few key areas you can create plentiful and consistent sales opportunities. One area that can produce significant improvement is the techniques you use to communicate your marketing message to your audience.

The most powerful force in marketing is the skill of persuasion. Your ability to communicate to your target market the benefits and solutions your product or service provides is the key to your business success.

One proven technique that will improve your persuasion skills is to throw them a PASS with your marketing message.

PASS stands for Problem – Agitation – Story – Solution. This communication technique utilizes a powerful psychological trigger: People are highly motivated to action on problems that cause them pain, stress and discomfort.

Your most qualified prospects are looking to solve a specific problem, dissatisfaction or challenge they are facing in their lives. Your job as a marketer is to focus their attention on this problem and show them that you have the best available solution. You must motivate them to take action by stimulating their emotional need to solve the problem and relieve the stress that is attached to it.

Here’s how to use the powerful PASS technique in your marketing materials.

1. Problem – Define the problem they are experiencing and address it clearly so it triggers an emotional response. Get them to take time to think about the pain or discomfort they are feeling.

2. Agitation – Make them feel the problem by pointing out the possible scenarios that could occur if they don’t take action. Feeling a sense of loss or missed opportunity often compels people to act immediately.

3. Story – Tell a relevant story of someone who shared the same problem and their method of solving it. Focus on the positive results they experienced and how they benefited by solving the problem with your product or service.

4. Solution – Offer them a solution to the problem with your product or service. Provide detailed benefits, examples and testimonials of satisfied clients and customers you’ve helped before.

Your goal is to whip them into a frenzy by using emotional triggers which point out the cause of the problem. Once sufficiently agitated, offer your solution and educate them on the benefits you provide to fix it. Paint them a picture of what their life will look like as a result of purchasing your product or service.

When you use the PASS technique, the prospect will sell themselves on the fact they need to make a purchase to remove the pain and problem. For excellent case studies of this formula in action, watch any of the hundreds of TV infomercials that are broadcast over every day. There’s a reason they utilize the PASS technique…it works!

To find more marketing techniques and for your free report, Ten Critical, Must-Have Techniques To Improve Your Marketing, visit at

To all your marketing victories,
Coach Ron