Friday, May 23, 2008

Is Your Marketing Ready For The Media's Bad News?

In U.S. the Memorial Holiday weekend is upon us and, of course, gas prices have shot up even more. In southeast Michigan the prices are just above $4.00 per gallon.

My sympathies to those who are experiencing even higher, more painful gouging at the pump in their town.

If that's not bad enough, the local news media around Detroit just love reminding us of the rising cost of we couldn't see it for ourselves. Every time they do a story about this issue for dramatic effect they stand some poor reporter to a gas station around the airport.

This gas station is always has the highest price in the region...about 15 to 20% higher than any store. This last chance station takes advantage of the poor souls who desperately need gas before they jump on the freeway to get home. Most people begrudgingly pay the price because they just want to get home.

The point is that the news media always focuses on the worst case scenario to gain viewer's attention. This isn't limited to only gas prices! No matter what the bad news, they find a way to blow reality out of the water and strike fear into minds of gullible viewers.

Problem is that these viewers are your prospects, customers and clients. Is your marketing ready to counter act the bad news that they are fed by the media? The situation in Michigan with gas prices is a real threat to the huge tourist economy in the state.

Typically, people who live in the lower half of the state migrate to the northern woods and lakes for rest and relaxation. (There is much more to Michigan than the problems of the auto industry and Detroit's mayor!) With these kind of prices, the media is subconsciously telling us not to go up north because it is so expensive. They are actually interviewing people who choose to stay home this weekend because of the added cost.

The message is - "You better not go because it will cost you more." Unfortunately, many will heed this message and change their plans. This hurts the companies in the tourist regions and does more damage to the overall economy. These bearers of the bad "news" are influencing the marketplace negatively and worsening the problem.

So how can you prepare yourself from the influence of these drama queens? First, you need to be nimble and ready to shift your marketing message on a moments notice. This does not mean you get away from your core message, but to address the situation as your company as part of the solution. And, second, change the focus of your offer to match the markets shift.

If you own a small gift shop in Mackinaw City you must develop strategies to get buyers to increase the transaction size of their purchases this year. Store traffic will undoubtedly be lower this summer, so you need to be proactive with your marketing tactics to increase sales.

Retailers in the lower part of the state should market more frequently and change their summer marketing message to capitalize on the pent up demand that will accompany more people staying at home. Reconnecting with existing customers with loyalty programs and frequent buyer discounts or bonuses will strengthen your relationship with them and lead to more sales.

There is a way to defeat these pushers of doom and gloom. It just requires creative thinking and speedy execution. So don't get down and depressed from the situation, get to work and turn lemons into lemonade.

For ideas to get you inspired and motivated, visit and listen to the free mini-seminar on how to score more sales.

To all you marketing victories,

Coach Ron
Unabashed optimist in the capitalist system

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Powerful Referral Marketing Secret: Tell a Testimonial Story

The fuel that drives the referral marketing process is the testimonial story.

Testimonials happen when one person shares with another about the positive experience they’ve had with your company. A good testimonial is worth its weight in gold and is as close as you can get to sure sale from a new prospect. But do you really leverage the full power of testimonials as you work to market your business?

By nature, a testimonial is really a transfer of experience to another person. When one shares their experience they are really telling a story.

Storytelling is part of our human existence. It’s how we communicate at a very basic level. When you go home from a day at work, what usually happens? You tell your spouse or family a story of what occurred in during your day at work.

A good story stimulates the other person’s imagination and helps put them mentally into the situation. When you hear a well told story, you can almost feel like you are the one who experienced it.

In business, we don’t utilize the power of storytelling enough. Typically, most referrals are brief snippets but not the whole story. To become a better referral partner you need to tell more stories to the people you know. Avoid simply giving them the “I know someone” referral. This is only the beginning of the process. Instead, focus on sharing the entire experience you had with the other person.

However, there is a caveat. You must find the right situation to provide a referral story. If you tell boring, unsolicited stories that have no value to the other person, you will come across as annoying. This requires some discretion and utilizing your sales instincts of when to offer the referral story.

Recognizing the opportunity to provide a referral story is a skill that you must be developed. A chance to refer another can come from anywhere. It could be your spouse, your business partner or the guy in front of you at the grocery store. The key is to be ready with your referral story to promote others and they in turn will promote you…the ultimate win-win!

Referrals are the cornerstone of creating relationships - one of the six marketing fundamentals. To learn more about the six marketing fundamentals for winning the marketing game - click here.

To all you marketing victories,

Coach Ron

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Marketing Game - Win or Lose Its Up To You

Allow me to make a bold statement - there’s a lot of sales being made in your market right now that you’re losing out on because of your marketing.

Think of it this way...if your marketing is ineffective or non-existent your competitor wins the sale and you lose money!

Seems a little harsh but it’s true. When they win you lose. Their sale ends up becoming money in their pocket instead of yours.

There’s no way to sugarcoat it. You can either stick your head in the sand and accept it; or you can get motivated and do something about it.

Winning or losing…It’s up to you!

To come out as the winner, you must know how to aggressively compete and play the marketing game.

That’s right marketing is a game and those who consistently win and get the sales understand how to play. They have developed the strategies, skills and techniques that are required to become a dominant force in their market. Because they excel at the game they become the marketing champion in their industry.

So how can your business become a marketing champion? What must you do to dominate your competition? How do you score more sales and consistently win?

It all begins with understanding and practicing the marketing fundamentals.

To compete and win you must first know how to play. Most small businesses don’t have a clue what it takes to become marketing champion. As a result they waste a great deal of time and money on marketing that doesn’t produce results. Knowing the fundamentals is the surest and fastest way to stop this problem and generate predictable sales and profits.

When you master the fundamentals of the game and apply them in your business, you will see a dramatic increase in your sales and your business will become the dominant force to be reckoned with.

To find out how to become a marketing champion, visit and claim your free marketing resources.

To all your marketing victories,

Coach Ron